

纳什维尔COVID-19就业资源 & 中TN工人

在2019冠状病毒病危机期间面临失业或经济挑战的工会成员, 除了本页上的职位列表之外,还提供以下资源. 这份名单将不断更新.


  • 你可能有资格领取失业救济金. 在Jobs4TN网上申请.gov. 可在此找到与COVID-19危机相关的失业问题的更多信息 在TN部. 工党网站.
  • 约翰·库珀市长建立了一个 纳什维尔COVID-19应对基金. 目前, this fund is collecting donations in partnership with the United Way to be distributed to local community organizations. 检查 基金网站获取基金提供的资源的最新情况.
  • For questions regarding workplace safety, organizing related to COVID-19, and additional resources, 访问AFL-CIO的COVID-19大流行资源页面. This page contains everything from basic information about the pandemic to specific organizing resources by union and by sector to ensure worker safety and public health.
  • The Tennessee Department of Health offers a Tennessee Coronavirus Public Information Line at 877.857.2945. 问讯线每天上午10点开始提供服务.m. 到10点.m. 如需更多资源和帮助,请致电联合劝募协会的24小时热线211.


MC3 is a joint initiative of the 纳什维尔和田纳西州中部的中央劳工委员会 and Middle Tennessee’s Building Trades Unions to recruit candidates for a 120-hour, intensive Apprenticeship Readiness Program that prepares people of all backgrounds for careers in the skilled construction trades. 学生们学习有关安全、工业的知识 & 它的工具,蓝图阅读,建筑数学,工作权利 & 更. 我们的下一组将于2020年6月22日开始. 联系 careers@musiccitymc3.org 或致电(615)212-8546了解更多信息和申请信息. 你也可以在 MusicCityMC3.org 或者在我们的 脸谱网页面.


职位描述:在紧急通信部(DEC), 是纳什维尔和戴维森县的铁路吗, 每一次轮班都提供了一个改变世界的机会, 甚至是挽救生命的机会. The mission of the DEC is to serve as the vital link between citizens and the emergency responders of Nashville and Davidson County by providing emergency and non-emergency services in a prompt, 有礼貌, 高效的方式. The DEC's dedicated employees are typically the initial emergency contact in Metro Nashville, 通过电话提供救生援助,同时派遣紧急医疗服务, 消防或警察在紧急情况下的第一反应者. DEC每年365天,每周7天,每天24小时提供这项公共服务.

Visit the Emergency Communications Center Recruitment website to learn more and apply online.

这个职位也需要高度的责任感, 灵活性, 注重细节, 能够在压力下工作, 保持隐私和保密. 我们提供有竞争力的薪水, 为您和您的家人提供全面的福利, 以及晋升的机会.


  • $40,542.六(六个)个月后年薪六十五(二级应急电讯主任)
  • $44,212.28 annual salary after a 1 (one) year as an Emergency Telecom Officer 2 to (Emergency Telecom Officer 3)


  • 每年10天假期(工作满5年后增加)
  • 每年3天事假
  • 每月请一天病假
  • 每年11个带薪假期 
  • 医疗
  • 牙科
  • 人寿保险
  • 养老服务
  • 医疗残疾


各种各样的零售, 客户解决方案, 在田纳西州中部地区招聘网络技术人员. 检查 att.工作 获取最新列表并申请. 薪水取决于职位和经验水平.


申请人必须领取申请表并签名. You can pick your application at the Sheet Metal Workers Union Hall, 4709 Alabama Ave, Nashville, TN. 有关更多信息,请访问 http://smwia177.com

Union Stagehand Employment

职位描述:IATSE本地46正在寻找有能力的机构工作的各种工作和场所. 到我们在Donelson的办公室来填一份申请表. 良好的工资,福利和养老金包括在所有的工作中. 


唐纳森街211号202室 纳什维尔,田纳西州37214

Busmgr46@bellsouth.net, 615-885-1058


职位描述:招聘职员、邮递员和邮件处理员. 每小时收费从17-19美元不等. 去 usps.com/careers 在你的位置搜索最新的列表. 


职位描述:LiUNA当地386正在寻求在田纳西州纳什维尔的建筑候选人 & 拆迁


  • 挣18美元的机会.47/hr
  • 每周6-10小时轮班
  • 2班制


  • 提供两种形式的有效I.D.
  • 通过药物筛选
  • 进行重体力劳动,连续举起60-80磅.
  • 清洁剃须,以符合呼吸呼吸器适合测试.

bet36体育@劳动者当地386,哈里斯街115号,麦迪逊,TN 37115

招聘# 615-398-0666 / TennCraftworker@gmail.org



Job Description: Local and out of town union contractors are currently taking applications for all crafts in our trade, 工业水力清洗, 工商业绘画, 工业及商业玻璃, 石膏板终结者, 手工和Ames工具精加工. 工资从21美元起浮动.根据经验、技能和工艺,5到27美元不等. 福利包括保险(免费)和养老金.

如果您有任何问题,请联系Bill Rainey,电话:615-509-4931.


链接到申请页面: http://bit.ly/2vcfdlt 

Job Description: Transports children safely to and from school; fosters and maintains a safe environment; drives route accurately and efficiently; observes and obeys all traffic rules and regulations; follows and obeys all policies and procedures established by the Board of Education to ensure efficient transportation and delivery operations. Follows assigned safety rules; inspects bus for safety items before each morning and afternoon run by following a checklist.

资格: 申请人必须具有高中毕业证书或GED, 年龄不低于25岁, have a valid Tennessee Driver's License; successful completion of MNPS bus driver training class; able to obtain CDL with P and S endorsement after training.

如果您有任何问题,请联系Ron Franklin, 615-456-6505或ronald.franklin@mnps.org



链接到申请页面: http://www.ibew429.org/viewJobs/

职位描述:不同的工会承包商招聘许多不同地区的工作. 具体职位、要求和其他信息请访问网站,或致电615-889-4429.


链接到申请页面: http://bit.ly/1PvnpCC


描述:戴维森运输组织正在寻找有礼貌的, 即将离任的, 以客户为中心的个人加入我们的团队. 资格证书包括高中文凭或普通教育证书, 21岁或以上, 良好的驾驶记录, 还有丰富的工作经验. Must have passed the written portion of the Commercial Driver's Permit test (Class B with P endorsement) prior to being interviewed, 并能通过交通部的体检. 薪资范围:平均年薪3万至4万美元. DTO是一个EOE.


在清洁主管的指导下, 担任总助理, 你将负责车辆和/或设施的清洁和保养. The ideal candidate must possess a valid Commercial Driver's License with a passenger endorsement and be able to operate all company vehicles. 每天在指定的时间向工作报告, 清洁指定设施, 维护所有分配的财产并遵守公司的安全规定. The principal duties are intended to describe those functions that are essential to the performance of this job, 并且必须在没有帮助的情况下或在合理住宿的帮助下进行. Other responsibilities are those functions which are considered incidental or secondary to the overall purpose of the job. This job description does not imply that the above are the only duties assigned to the position. 员工可能被要求履行管理层要求的任何其他与工作相关的职责. DTO是一个EOE.


Description: Immediate opening for an experienced diesel mechanic to repair and maintain a variety of vehicles such as buses, 接驳车, 叉车, 沉船和汽车. Candidate should own a complete set of tools and be able to operate any equipment normally used in the repair of vehicles. 这个姿势需要很大的体力消耗, including work performed during periods of extreme weather conditions and 灵活性 with work hours. DTO是一个EOE.


WeGo招聘有物流或运输经验的团队领导. Will be responsible for the day-to-day monitoring of vehicles in passenger service to ensure highest quality and reliability of the services for our customers, and adherence to schedules and established safety standards and procedures through appropriate supervision. 同时负责直接管理一个操作团队. Recommended Preparation for Employment: Completion of high school or possession of a GED certificate; Must possess a valid Commercial Drivers License, 要么在担任这个职位之前,要么在管理层规定的时间范围内. 有管理经验者优先. 有巴士操作员经验者优先. 必须掌握所有公交路线的知识, 费用结构, 安全程序, standard operating procedures and labor contract within timeframe set by Operations Management. 该职位向运营经理汇报. DTO是一个EOE.


Description: WeGo Public Transit seeks part-time drivers with a Commercial Drivers License (CDL) B License with Passenger Endorsement to safely transport WeGo Access passengers for our door-to-door paratransit service. 可靠性, great attitude and a passion for working with people who couldn't get there without you and an interest in working no more than 25 hours per week. WeGo不只是招人,我们还要培养人才. DTO是一个EOE.


链接到申请页面: http://bit.ly/2vlIkTx

Job Description: Our primary focus is to create an outstanding customer experience through exceptional service. 我们正在寻找友好的, 有趣的人,他们热爱食物,并希望与我们的顾客分享这种激情. 我们的员工在我们商店的不同部门工作, but share a common goal of welcoming and serving customers with excellence so they want to shop with us again and again. 这意味着用微笑问候他们,真诚地说“嗨”,并提供帮助.


  • 准备美食,制作手工三明治,供应本地和进口奶酪
  • 烤新鲜的面包和饼干,装饰蛋糕,提供个性化的咖啡
  • 建立有吸引力的展示和库存货架
  • 创作艺术插花
  • 切割并提供最优质的肉类和海鲜
  • 协助顾客结账和打包食品
  • 在许多其他领域做出贡献,为客户提供卓越的服务

我们现在接受包括出纳员在内的所有职位的申请, 装袋工, 杂货店职员, 售货员, 肉职员, 熟食店店员和面包店店员.

我们一直在寻找微笑,精力充沛,友好和有趣的人. 我们提供给同事的不仅仅是薪水. 除了医疗和退休计划, 我们提供带薪休假, 人寿保险, 学费补助和大学奖学金. 员工也享受灵活的工作时间, and many associates who begin in part-time 工作 choose to grow with us into long-term careers. 如果您有兴趣成为我们团队的重要成员,请立即申请. 我们期待着进一步了解您!

我们是一个机会均等的雇主. 每个候选人在被录用前都要接受药物筛选和背景调查.

  • 学历:无
  • 所需认证/许可:无
  • 职位类型:兼职 
  • Shift(s): Day; Evening; Overnight


联合包裹服务公司正在招聘各种各样的司机, 管理, 以及田纳西州中部地区的码头工人职位. 找到并申请目前的工作机会 http://www.jobs-ups.com/